Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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BoahCalc Utility Program
<c> 1985 by Debbie Cooper
Version 2.0
BoahCalπá i≤á ß machinσ languagσ prograφ tha⌠ allow≤ yo⌡á t∩ ì
perforφ addition¼á subtraction¼á multiplication¼á divisioε anΣá ß ì
hos⌠ oµ bi⌠ manipulatioε functions« Thesσ function≤ includσ XOR¼ ì
wh∩á writσ assembl∙ languagσ o≥ BASI├ program≤ fo≥ thσ Tand∙ 100░ ì
o≥á othe≥ IB═ compatiblσ system≤ wil∞ appreciatσ thσ widσ usσá t∩ ì
whicΦ BoahCalπ caε bσ pu⌠ a≤ thσ result≤ arσ readil∙ visible«
Thσáá BoahCalπáá prograφá (shor⌠áá fo≥áá Binary-Octal-Ascii-ì
Hexadecima∞á Calculator⌐á i≤ supplieΣ oε ßá diskettσá alonτá witΦ ì
anothe≥á filσ calleΣ BOAHCALC.BUF«á Thi≤ filσ mus⌠ bσ presen⌠ oε ì
thσá backu≡á cop∙ a⌠ al∞ time≤ iε orde≥ fo≥ thσ prograφá t∩á worδ ì
Wheε BoahCalπ i≤ firs⌠ executed¼á yo⌡ wil∞ bσ presenteΣ witΦ ì
ß screeε displa∙ whicΦ show≤ thσ curren⌠ values¼ typicall∙ se⌠ t∩ ì
zeros¼ fo≥ Value≤ A¼ ┬ anΣ ├ respectively« Oε thσ bottoφ halµ oµ ì
thσá displayá thσá variou≤ function≤ tha⌠ caε bσá performeΣá arσ ì
shown¼á a≤á wel∞á a≤á thσ functioε ke∙á command≤á t∩á invokσá thσ ì
Inputting Values
Beforσá an∙ functioε caε bσ performed¼á thσ use≥ mus⌠á ente≥ ì
onσá o≥á botΦá value≤ ┴ anΣ B«á Notσ tha⌠á somσá function≤á onl∙ ì
requirσá onσá valuσ tha⌠ wil∞ bσ workeΣ on¼á other≤ requirσá botΦ ì
Value A and B before the result can be displayed as Value C.
Thσá prograφá automaticall∙ default≤ t∩ thσá inpu⌠á modσá oµ ì
asciΘ decimal¼ howeve≥ thσ use≥ ma∙ changσ thi≤ b∙ usinτ functioε ì
ke∙á F5«á Yo⌡ wil∞ bσ prompteΣ t∩ ente≥ thσ lette≥ oµ thσá inpu⌠ ì
modσá yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ use¼á B=Binary¼á O=Octal¼á A=AsciΘ Decimal¼á o≥ ì
H=Hexadecimal«á Thσá methoΣ oµ inpu⌠ tha⌠ yo⌡ requesteΣ wil∞á bσ ì
shown on the sixth line of the video screen.
Yo⌡ arσ no≈ read∙ t∩ inpu⌠ ß numbe≥ fo≥ valuσ A« T∩ d∩ thi≤ ì
depres≤á functioε ke∙ F1«á Thσ curso≥ wil∞ bσ positioneΣá besidσ ì
thσ Valuσ ┴ promp⌠ iε thσ to≡ oµ thσ display«á Ente≥ you≥ digit≤ ì
anΣ pres≤ <ENTER╛ t∩ signif∙ enΣ oµ input«á Thσá binary¼á octal¼ ì
decima∞á anΣá hexadecima∞á equivalent≤ wil∞ bσ displayeΣá oεá thσ ì
screen«á T∩á inpu⌠á ßá numbe≥ fo≥á valuσá B¼á follo≈á thi≤á samσ ì
Invoking Functions
Afte≥á yo⌡ havσ entereΣ value≤ fo≥ valuσ ┴ (and/o≥ valuσá B⌐ ì
yo⌡á ma∙á perforφá an∙ onσ oµ thσ function≤ listeΣ oεá thσá vide∩ ì
display«áá Firs⌠á yo⌡á mus⌠á selec⌠á whicΦá functioεá yo⌡áá wan⌠ ì
performed«á T∩á d∩á thi≤á depres≤ functioε ke∙á F3«á Thσá firs⌠ ì
function¼á ADD¼ wil∞ bσ displayeΣ a≤ reversσ video« Yo⌡ ma∙ movσ ì
thσá 'blockº usinτ thσ left¼á right¼á u≡ anΣ dowε arrow≤á t∩á thσ ì
particula≥ functioε yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ execute« Pres≤ <ENTER╛ t∩ selec⌠ ì
the function.
Fo≥á example¼á iµá yo⌡á haΣ selecteΣ t∩ AD─ value≤ ┴á anΣá ┬ ìètogether¼á yo⌡ woulΣ depres≤ thσ F│ functioε key¼á pres≤á <ENTER╛ ì
anΣá thσ tota∞ oµ value≤ ┴ anΣ ┬ woulΣ bσ displayeΣ a≤ valuσ ├ oε ì
the video screen.
Thosσá function≤á tha⌠ requirσ onl∙ valuσ ┴ iε orde≥á t∩á bσ ì
invoked also display their result in value C.
F6 - Move Value C to Value A
Thi≤á functioεá ke∙á wheεá depressed¼á wil∞á substitutσá thσ ì
curren⌠ valuσ oµ ├ anΣ cop∙ i⌠ int∩ valuσ A« S∩ if¼ fo≥ example¼ ì
yo⌡á wisΦá t∩ selec⌠ functioε SH╥ (shif⌠ right⌐ oε valuσá A¼á yo⌡ ì
wil∞ havσ moveΣ i⌠ onσ bi⌠ t∩ thσ right« Thσ ne≈ valuσ o≥ resul⌠ ì
oµ thi≤ operatioε wil∞ bσ displayeΣ a≤ valuσ C«á Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠á t∩ ì
displa∙ ß seconΣ SH╥ operatioε oε thi≤ samσ value¼á theε yo⌡ mus⌠ ì
firs⌠á usσ thσ functioε ke∙ F╢ t∩ transfe≥ thσ ne≈ valuσ t∩ valuσ ì
┴á anΣá subsequentl∙á perforφá anothe≥á SH╥á operatioεá oεáá tha⌠ ì
Abort Program
T∩ returε contro∞ t∩ MS-DOS¼á simpl∙ depres≤ thσ F┤ functioε ì